
Cutaway starting system trainer

The EM-200-19 Starting System Trainer allows for the demonstration of a complete starting system using real-world components. Key areas of the starter have been cutaway to allow visual observation of major components while still being functional. Requires a 12V battery or jump box to operate.

Technical Details

Product code EM-200-19_052932

Educational Advantages

Fully functional cutaway starter.

Allows students to view all internal starter components during live starter operation.

Starter is enclosed in plexiglass to ensure student safety.

Demonstrates starter planetary gear reduction.

Ability to test and verify a basic starting circuit.

Four operational faults can be inserted to promote student diagnostic troubleshooting competencies.

The starter solenoid can also be bridged with a remote starter switch (not included) using the solenoid primary terminals.

Included components


Ignition switch

Clutch switch


Fault box with 4 faults

Circuit breaker with reset


Ford Modular V8

*Images are of illustrative purposes only