Nathan Banke
Years with ConsuLab: Since June 2009
Passions: I am passionate about technology, learning and self-improvement, whether it's exploring the latest tech in EVs and autonomous vehicles, or exploring Artificial Intelligence models. I am also very passionate about skills competitions, from regionals to nationals in Canada, and all the way to WorldSkills. I enjoy simplifying technology to explain it and am skilled at getting abstract ideas down on paper.
Areas of expertise: I have a good general knowledge of vehicles and subsystems, with some specialization in diagnosis, electrical systems, and engine performance. I have just enough knowledge in heavy trucks and air brakes to be dangerous. I have a lot of experience organizing, judging and writing test projects for skills competitions.
Something special or unique about you: I am frugal and like to fix most everything I can myself, whether it's my house, appliances, vehicles, or really anything at all. I prefer cycling over taking a car whenever I can. My passion for learning doesn’t stop at automotive, whether learning TIG welding, or enhancing my communication skills to better understand my children. All avenues of learning fascinate me. I read a lot of books and I’m always looking for recommendations!