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Air drum wheel end training system with cutaways

The ConsuLab HV-126-DM_052960 trainer includes a heavy-duty trailer drum assembly with air chamber and wheel end. Using shop air (90 psi minimum) the service and parking brakes can be applied, the brake system can be dismantled, adjusted and the brakes can be measured. The trainer includes cutaways showing the s-cam, the slack adjuster and the bearing races.

Technical Details

Product code HV-126-DM_052960

Educational Advantages

Demonstration of a heavy duty air drum brake system to groups of students without the access limitations of a complete vehicle. Student assignments available.


Air drum assembly

Connections for service and parking brake

Bendix PP-1 Push-pull Type Control Valve

Bendix E2 Foot Brake Valve

Bendix R-14 Relay Valve

Bendix SR-5 Anti-compound Trailer Spring Brake Valve

Air Reservoir

Pressure Gauges


Bendix (air valves and booster)

Meritor (slack ajuster)

Macpek (drum brake and axle)